Commit cbb7bfc1 authored by vyzo's avatar vyzo

add tests for gs features and custom protocols

parent 0e387d79
package pubsub
import (
func TestDefaultGossipSubFeatures(t *testing.T) {
if GossipSubDefaultFeatures(GossipSubFeatureMesh, FloodSubID) {
t.Fatal("floodsub should not support Mesh")
if !GossipSubDefaultFeatures(GossipSubFeatureMesh, GossipSubID_v10) {
t.Fatal("gossipsub-v1.0 should support Mesh")
if !GossipSubDefaultFeatures(GossipSubFeatureMesh, GossipSubID_v11) {
t.Fatal("gossipsub-v1.1 should support Mesh")
if GossipSubDefaultFeatures(GossipSubFeaturePX, FloodSubID) {
t.Fatal("floodsub should not support PX")
if GossipSubDefaultFeatures(GossipSubFeaturePX, GossipSubID_v10) {
t.Fatal("gossipsub-v1.0 should not support PX")
if !GossipSubDefaultFeatures(GossipSubFeatureMesh, GossipSubID_v11) {
t.Fatal("gossipsub-v1.1 should support PX")
func TestGossipSubCustomProtocols(t *testing.T) {
customsub := protocol.ID("customsub/1.0.0")
protos := []protocol.ID{customsub, FloodSubID}
features := func(feat GossipSubFeature, proto protocol.ID) bool {
if proto == customsub {
return true
return false
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
hosts := getNetHosts(t, ctx, 3)
gsubs := getGossipsubs(ctx, hosts[:2], WithGossipSubProtocols(protos, features))
fsub := getPubsub(ctx, hosts[2])
psubs := append(gsubs, fsub)
connectAll(t, hosts)
topic := "test"
var subs []*Subscription
for _, ps := range psubs {
subch, err := ps.Subscribe(topic)
if err != nil {
subs = append(subs, subch)
// wait for heartbeats to build mesh
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
// check the meshes of the gsubs, the gossipsub meshes should include each other but not the
// floddsub peer
gsubs[0].eval <- func() {
gs := gsubs[0].rt.(*GossipSubRouter)
_, ok := gs.mesh[topic][hosts[1].ID()]
if !ok {
t.Fatal("expected gs0 to have gs1 in its mesh")
_, ok = gs.mesh[topic][hosts[2].ID()]
if ok {
t.Fatal("expected gs0 to not have fs in its mesh")
gsubs[1].eval <- func() {
gs := gsubs[1].rt.(*GossipSubRouter)
_, ok := gs.mesh[topic][hosts[0].ID()]
if !ok {
t.Fatal("expected gs1 to have gs0 in its mesh")
_, ok = gs.mesh[topic][hosts[2].ID()]
if ok {
t.Fatal("expected gs1 to not have fs in its mesh")
// send some messages
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
msg := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d it's not quite a floooooood %d", i, i))
owner := rand.Intn(len(psubs))
psubs[owner].Publish(topic, msg)
for _, sub := range subs {
got, err := sub.Next(ctx)
if err != nil {
if !bytes.Equal(msg, got.Data) {
t.Fatal("got wrong message!")
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