Commit 40dcf43d authored by Lars Gierth's avatar Lars Gierth Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #24 from libp2p/gx/update-v3gbwb

gx: update go-addr-util, go-libp2p-swarm
parents c1f61e28 a19a8831
1.6.16: QmS8Ag5YSb4eQW1Zd5YkqVR2CxAF1eBFmApVZ7F3TzMvF1
1.6.17: QmbLpTGb9Y6Yh3KondeFx1RibwUmKomwNVX38HigZfbiZz
......@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@
"author": "whyrusleeping",
"hash": "QmSqJFpQ1VQtuhkntP9tMhTexipzpXAHtgSi4UYWFwjUZx",
"hash": "QmYNUuivS62tkjy3Uw5VF5GeVCcKV43DQtGHGtHZgGYJou",
"name": "go-libp2p-conn",
"version": "1.6.2"
"version": "1.6.3"
"author": "whyrusleeping",
......@@ -97,6 +97,6 @@
"license": "MIT",
"name": "go-libp2p-swarm",
"releaseCmd": "git commit -a -m \"gx publish $VERSION\"",
"version": "1.6.16"
"version": "1.6.17"
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