Commit bbd0a017 authored by vyzo's avatar vyzo

batch dials together, rework address ranking

parent 96723d14
......@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ var (
var (
DelayDialPrivateAddr = 5 * time.Millisecond
DelayDialPublicAddr = 25 * time.Millisecond
DelayDialRelayAddr = 50 * time.Millisecond
delayDialPrivateAddr = 5 * time.Millisecond
delayDialPublicAddr = 25 * time.Millisecond
delayDialRelayAddr = 50 * time.Millisecond
// DialAttempts governs how many times a goroutine will try to dial a given peer.
......@@ -361,6 +361,9 @@ func (s *Swarm) dialWorkerLoop(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID, reqch <-chan Dial
var triggerDial <-chan time.Time
triggerNow := make(chan time.Time)
var nextDial []ma.Multiaddr
active := 0
done := false
......@@ -461,34 +464,46 @@ loop:
nextDial = append(nextDial, todial...)
nextDial = s.rankAddrs(nextDial)
if triggerDial == nil {
trigger := make(chan time.Time)
triggerDial = trigger
// trigger a new dial now to account for the new addrs we added
triggerDial = triggerNow
case <-triggerDial:
if len(nextDial) == 0 {
triggerDial = nil
continue loop
// we dial batches of addresses together, logically belonging to the same batch
// after a batch of addresses has been dialed, we add a delay before initiating the next batch
dialed := false
last := 0
next := 0
for i, addr := range nextDial {
if dialed && !s.sameAddrBatch(nextDial[last], addr) {
next := nextDial[0]
nextDial = nextDial[1:]
next = i + 1
// spawn the next dial
ad := pending[next]
err := s.dialNextAddr(ad.ctx, p, next, resch)
if err != nil {
dispatchError(ad, err)
continue loop
// spawn the dial
ad := pending[addr]
err := s.dialNextAddr(ad.ctx, p, addr, resch)
if err != nil {
dispatchError(ad, err)
dialed = true
last = i
lastDial := nextDial[last]
nextDial = nextDial[next:]
if !dialed || len(nextDial) == 0 {
// we didn't dial anything because of backoff or we don't have any more addresses
triggerDial = nil
continue loop
// select an appropriate delay for the next dial trigger
delay := s.delayForNextDial(next)
// select an appropriate delay for the next dial batch
delay := s.delayForNextDial(lastDial)
triggerDial = time.After(delay)
case res := <-resch:
......@@ -516,6 +531,9 @@ loop:
// oops no, we failed to add it to the swarm
dispatchError(ad, err)
if active == 0 && len(nextDial) > 0 {
triggerDial = triggerNow
continue loop
......@@ -543,6 +561,9 @@ loop:
dispatchError(ad, res.Err)
if active == 0 && len(nextDial) > 0 {
triggerDial = triggerNow
......@@ -579,16 +600,37 @@ func (s *Swarm) dialNextAddr(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID, addr ma.Multiaddr,
return nil
func (s *Swarm) sameAddrBatch(a, b ma.Multiaddr) bool {
// is it a relay addr?
if s.IsRelayAddr(a) {
return s.IsRelayAddr(b)
// is it an expensive addr?
if s.IsExpensiveAddr(a) {
return s.IsExpensiveAddr(b)
// is it a public addr?
if !manet.IsPrivateAddr(a) {
return !manet.IsPrivateAddr(b) &&
s.IsFdConsumingAddr(a) == s.IsFdConsumingAddr(b)
// it's a private addr
return manet.IsPrivateAddr(b)
func (s *Swarm) delayForNextDial(addr ma.Multiaddr) time.Duration {
if _, err := addr.ValueForProtocol(ma.P_CIRCUIT); err == nil {
return DelayDialRelayAddr
return delayDialRelayAddr
if manet.IsPrivateAddr(addr) {
return DelayDialPrivateAddr
return delayDialPrivateAddr
return DelayDialPublicAddr
return delayDialPublicAddr
func (s *Swarm) canDial(addr ma.Multiaddr) bool {
......@@ -601,43 +643,41 @@ func (s *Swarm) nonProxyAddr(addr ma.Multiaddr) bool {
return !t.Proxy()
// ranks addresses in descending order of preference for dialing
// Private UDP > Public UDP > Private TCP > Public TCP > UDP Relay server > TCP Relay server
// ranks addresses in descending order of preference for dialing, with the following rules:
// NonRelay > Relay
// NonWS > WS
// Private > Public
// UDP > TCP
func (s *Swarm) rankAddrs(addrs []ma.Multiaddr) []ma.Multiaddr {
var localUdpAddrs []ma.Multiaddr // private udp
var relayUdpAddrs []ma.Multiaddr // relay udp
var othersUdp []ma.Multiaddr // public udp
addrTier := func(a ma.Multiaddr) (tier int) {
if s.IsRelayAddr(a) {
tier |= 0b1000
if s.IsExpensiveAddr(a) {
tier |= 0b0100
if !manet.IsPrivateAddr(a) {
tier |= 0b0010
if s.IsFdConsumingAddr(a) {
tier |= 0b0001
var localFdAddrs []ma.Multiaddr // private fd consuming
var relayFdAddrs []ma.Multiaddr // relay fd consuming
var othersFd []ma.Multiaddr // public fd consuming
return tier
tiers := make([][]ma.Multiaddr, 16)
for _, a := range addrs {
if _, err := a.ValueForProtocol(ma.P_CIRCUIT); err == nil {
if s.IsFdConsumingAddr(a) {
relayFdAddrs = append(relayFdAddrs, a)
relayUdpAddrs = append(relayUdpAddrs, a)
} else if manet.IsPrivateAddr(a) {
if s.IsFdConsumingAddr(a) {
localFdAddrs = append(localFdAddrs, a)
localUdpAddrs = append(localUdpAddrs, a)
} else {
if s.IsFdConsumingAddr(a) {
othersFd = append(othersFd, a)
othersUdp = append(othersUdp, a)
tier := addrTier(a)
tiers[tier] = append(tiers[tier], a)
relays := append(relayUdpAddrs, relayFdAddrs...)
fds := append(localFdAddrs, othersFd...)
result := make([]ma.Multiaddr, 0, len(addrs))
for _, tier := range tiers {
result = append(result, tier...)
return append(append(append(localUdpAddrs, othersUdp...), fds...), relays...)
return result
// filterKnownUndialables takes a list of multiaddrs, and removes those
......@@ -729,3 +769,14 @@ func (s *Swarm) IsFdConsumingAddr(addr ma.Multiaddr) bool {
_, err2 := first.ValueForProtocol(ma.P_UNIX)
return err1 == nil || err2 == nil
func (s *Swarm) IsExpensiveAddr(addr ma.Multiaddr) bool {
_, err1 := addr.ValueForProtocol(ma.P_WS)
_, err2 := addr.ValueForProtocol(ma.P_WSS)
return err1 == nil || err2 == nil
func (s *Swarm) IsRelayAddr(addr ma.Multiaddr) bool {
_, err := addr.ValueForProtocol(ma.P_CIRCUIT)
return err == nil
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