Commit f004a103 authored by Marten Seemann's avatar Marten Seemann

remove incorrect call to InterceptAddrDial

addConn is called both when we add a dialed and an accepted connection to the
swarm. InterceptAddrDial is only supposed to intercept outgoing connections
though. When dialing, we already call InterceptAddrDial when we compose the
list of dialable addresses.
parent b80b91c8
......@@ -212,16 +212,6 @@ func (s *Swarm) addConn(tc transport.CapableConn, dir network.Direction) (*Conn,
addr = tc.RemoteMultiaddr()
if s.gater != nil {
if allow := s.gater.InterceptAddrDial(p, addr); !allow {
err := tc.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("failed to close connection with peer %s and addr %s; err: %s", p.Pretty(), addr, err)
return nil, ErrAddrFiltered
// create the Stat object, initializing with the underlying connection Stat if available
var stat network.Stat
if cs, ok := tc.(network.ConnStat); ok {
......@@ -317,6 +317,15 @@ func TestConnectionGating(t *testing.T) {
p2ConnectednessToP1: network.NotConnected,
isP1OutboundErr: true,
"p2 accepts inbound peer dial if outgoing dial is gated": {
p2Gater: func(c *MockConnectionGater) *MockConnectionGater {
c.Dial = func(peer.ID, ma.Multiaddr) bool { return false }
return c
p1ConnectednessToP2: network.Connected,
p2ConnectednessToP1: network.Connected,
isP1OutboundErr: false,
"p2 gates inbound peer dial before securing": {
p2Gater: func(c *MockConnectionGater) *MockConnectionGater {
c.Accept = func(c network.ConnMultiaddrs) bool { return false }
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