Commit 34df1898 authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen

feat: implement ClosestN

Returns the closest N peers from the table. This allows one to use this trie as
an routing table.
parent dd1bc820
......@@ -19,3 +19,37 @@ func BucketAtDepth(node key.Key, table *trie.Trie, depth int) *trie.Trie {
// ClosestN will return the count closest keys to the given key.
func ClosestN(node key.Key, table *trie.Trie, count int) []key.Key {
return closestAtDepth(node, table, 0, count, make([]key.Key, 0, count))
func closestAtDepth(node key.Key, table *trie.Trie, depth int, count int, found []key.Key) []key.Key {
// If we've already found enough peers, abort.
if count == len(found) {
return found
// Find the closest direction.
dir := node.BitAt(depth)
var chosenDir byte
if table.Branch[dir] != nil {
// There are peers in the "closer" direction.
chosenDir = dir
} else if table.Branch[1-dir] != nil {
// There are peers in the "less closer" direction.
chosenDir = 1 - dir
} else if table.Key != nil {
// We've found a leaf
return append(found, table.Key)
} else {
// We've found an empty node?
return found
// Add peers from the closest direction first, then from the other direction.
found = closestAtDepth(node, table.Branch[chosenDir], depth+1, count, found)
found = closestAtDepth(node, table.Branch[1-chosenDir], depth+1, count, found)
return found
package kademlia
import (
func randomTrie(count int, keySizeByte int) *trie.Trie {
t := trie.New()
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
return t
func TestClosestN(t *testing.T) {
keySizeByte := 16
root := randomTrie(100, keySizeByte)
all := root.List()
for count := 0; count <= 100; count += 10 {
target := randomKey(keySizeByte)
closest := ClosestN(target, root, count)
if len(closest) != count {
t.Fatalf("expected %d closest, found %d", count, len(closest))
sort.Slice(all, func(i, j int) bool {
return string(key.Xor(all[i], target)) < string(key.Xor(all[j], target))
for i := range closest {
if !key.Equal(closest[i], all[i]) {
t.Errorf("wrong closest peer at offset %d: got %s, expected %s", i,
closest[i], all[i])
func closestTrivial(target key.Key, keys []key.Key, count int) []key.Key {
sort.Slice(keys, func(i, j int) bool {
return string(key.Xor(keys[i], target)) < string(key.Xor(keys[j], target))
return keys[:count]
// ensure the benchmark works.
var _x int
func BenchmarkClosestN(b *testing.B) {
keySizeByte := 16
root := randomTrie(100000, keySizeByte)
count := 20
target := randomKey(keySizeByte)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
_x += len(ClosestN(target, root, count))
func BenchmarkClosestTrivial(b *testing.B) {
keySizeByte := 16
root := randomTrie(100000, keySizeByte)
keys := root.List()
count := 20
target := randomKey(keySizeByte)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
_x += len(closestTrivial(target, keys, count))
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