Commit f2246d23 authored by Petar Maymounkov's avatar Petar Maymounkov

Rename package.

parent d343883e
package xortrie
package xor
// Add adds the key q to trie, returning a new trie.
// Add is immutable/non-destructive: The original trie remains unchanged.
package xortrie
package xor
import "testing"
package xortrie
package xor
func XorTrieEqual(p, q *XorTrie) bool {
switch {
package xortrie
package xor
// Intersect computes the intersection of the keys in p and q.
// p and q must be non-nil. The returned trie is never nil.
package xortrie
package xor
import "testing"
package xortrie
package xor
import "bytes"
package xortrie
package xor
// XorTrie is a trie for equal-length bit vectors, which stores values only in the leaves.
// XorTrie node invariants:
package xortrie
package xor
import "testing"
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