Commit 58ea7103 authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen

gx publish 0.1.11

parent 5cdb097c
Pipeline #525 failed with stages
in 0 seconds
0.1.10: QmaFUP6pdN12YW9UJUTpfUQW2Nd9YwkMHQrLSpRDHxPQti
0.1.11: QmPrXbjDqfuthJ1Ddesmz7gw1VWkhnWMkfJxxSXgxUsGqs
......@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@
"author": "multiformats",
"hash": "QmYmsdtJ3HsodkePE3eU3TsCaP2YvPZJ4LoXnNkDE5Tpt7",
"hash": "QmT4U94DnD8FRfqr21obWY32HLM5VExccPKMjQHofeYqr9",
"name": "go-multiaddr",
"version": "1.3.0"
"version": "1.3.5"
"author": "multiformats",
"hash": "QmV6FjemM1K8oXjrvuq3wuVWWoU2TLDPmNnKrxHzY3v6Ai",
"hash": "Qmaabb1tJZ2CX5cp6MuuiGgns71NYoxdgQP6Xdid1dVceC",
"name": "go-multiaddr-net",
"version": "1.6.3"
"version": "1.6.5"
"gxVersion": "0.12.1",
......@@ -36,6 +36,6 @@
"license": "",
"name": "go-reuseport-transport",
"releaseCmd": "git commit -a -m \"gx publish $VERSION\"",
"version": "0.1.10"
"version": "0.1.11"
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