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package ipld

type Node interface {
4 5 6
	// Kind returns a value from the ReprKind enum describing what the
	// essential serializable kind of this node is (map, list, int, etc).
	// Most other handling of a node requires first switching upon the kind.
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	ReprKind() ReprKind

	// GetField resolves a path in the the object and returns
10 11
	// either a primitive (e.g. string, int, etc), a link (type CID),
	// or another Node.
12 13 14 15 16 17
	// If the Kind of this Node is not ReprKind_Map, a nil node and an error
	// will be returned.
	// If the key does not exist, a nil node and an error will be returned.
	TraverseField(key string) (Node, error)
18 19 20 21 22

	// GetIndex is the equivalent of GetField but for indexing into an array
	// (or a numerically-keyed map).  Like GetField, it returns
	// either a primitive (e.g. string, int, etc), a link (type CID),
	// or another Node.
23 24 25 26 27
	// If the Kind of this Node is not ReprKind_List, a nil node and an error
	// will be returned.
	// If idx is out of range, a nil node and an error will be returned.
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	TraverseIndex(idx int) (Node, error)
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30 31
	// MapIterator returns an iterator which yields key-value pairs
	// traversing the node.
32 33
	// If the node kind is anything other than a map, the iterator will
	// yield error values.
34 35 36 37 38
	// The iterator will yield every entry in the map; that is, it
	// can be expected that itr.Next will be called node.Length times
	// before itr.Done becomes true.
	MapIterator() MapIterator

40 41 42 43
	// ListIterator returns an iterator which yields key-value pairs
	// traversing the node.
	// If the node kind is anything other than a list, the iterator will
	// yield error values.
45 46 47 48
	// The iterator will yield every entry in the list; that is, it
	// can be expected that itr.Next will be called node.Length times
	// before itr.Done becomes true.
	ListIterator() ListIterator
49 50 51 52

	// Length returns the length of a list, or the number of entries in a map,
	// or -1 if the node is not of list nor map kind.
	Length() int

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54 55 56
	// Undefined nodes are returned when traversing a struct field that is
	// defined by a schema but unset in the data.  (Undefined nodes are not
	// possible otherwise; you'll only see them from `typed.Node`.)
57 58 59 60
	// The undefined flag is necessary so iterating over structs can
	// unambiguously make the distinction between values that are
	// present-and-null versus values that are absent.
	IsUndefined() bool
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	IsNull() bool
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63 64
	AsBool() (bool, error)
	AsInt() (int, error)
65 66 67
	AsFloat() (float64, error)
	AsString() (string, error)
	AsBytes() ([]byte, error)
	AsLink() (Link, error)
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81

	// NodeBuilder returns a NodeBuilder which can be used to build
	// new nodes of the same implementation type as this one.
	// For map and list nodes, the NodeBuilder's append-oriented methods
	// will work using this node's values as a base.
	// If this is a typed node, the NodeBuilder will carry the same
	// typesystem constraints as this Node.
	// (This feature is used by the traversal package, especially in
	// e.g. traversal.Transform, for doing tree updates while keeping the
	// existing implementation preferences and doing as many operations
	// in copy-on-write fashions as possible.)
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82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105
	// ---
	// More specifically, the contract of a NodeBuilder returned by this method
	// is that it should be able to "replace" this node with a new one of
	// similar properties.
	// E.g., for a string, the builder must be able to build a new string.
	// For a map, the builder must be able to build a new map.
	// For a *struct* (when using typed nodes), the builder must be able to
	// build new structs of the name type.
	// Note that the promise doesn't extend further: there's no requirement
	// that the builder be able to build maps if this node's kind is "string"
	// (you can see why this lack-of-contract is important when considering
	// typed nodes: if this node has a struct type, then should the builder
	// be able to build other structs of different types?  Of course not;
	// there'd be no way to define which other types to build!).
	// For nulls, this means the builder doesn't have to do much at all!
	// (Some Nodes may return a NodeBuilder that can be used for much more
	// than replacing their own kind: for example, Node implementations from
	// the ipldfree package tend to return a NodeBuilder than can build any
	// other ipldfree.Node (e.g. even the builder obtained from a string node
	// will be able to build maps).  This is not required by the contract;
	// such packages only do so out of internal implementation convenience.)
	NodeBuilder() NodeBuilder
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109 110 111
// MapIterator is an interface for traversing map nodes.
// Sequential calls to Next() will yield key-value pairs;
// Done() describes whether iteration should continue.
113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
// Iteration order is defined to be stable: two separate MapIterator
// created to iterate the same Node will yield the same key-value pairs
// in the same order.
// The order itself may be defined by the Node implementation: some
// Nodes may retain insertion order, and some may return iterators which
// always yield data in sorted order, for example.
type MapIterator interface {
	// Next returns the next key-value pair.
	// An error value can also be returned at any step: in the case of advanced
	// data structures with incremental loading, it's possible to encounter
	// cancellation or I/O errors at any point in iteration.
	// If an error is returned, the boolean will always be false (so it's
	// correct to check the bool first and short circuit to continuing if true).
	// If an error is returned, the key and value may be nil.
	Next() (key Node, value Node, err error)

	// Done returns false as long as there's at least one more entry to iterate.
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	// When Done returns true, iteration can stop.
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133 134
	// Note when implementing iterators for advanced data layouts (e.g. more than
	// one chunk of backing data, which is loaded incrementally): if your
	// implementation does any I/O during the Done method, and it encounters
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	// an error, it must return 'false', so that the following Next call
137 138 139 140 141 142 143
	// has an opportunity to return the error.
	Done() bool

// ListIterator is an interface for traversing list nodes.
// Sequential calls to Next() will yield index-value pairs;
// Done() describes whether iteration should continue.
145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
// A loop which iterates from 0 to Node.Length is a valid
// alternative to using a ListIterator.
type ListIterator interface {
	// Next returns the next index and value.
	// An error value can also be returned at any step: in the case of advanced
	// data structures with incremental loading, it's possible to encounter
	// cancellation or I/O errors at any point in iteration.
	// If an error is returned, the boolean will always be false (so it's
	// correct to check the bool first and short circuit to continuing if true).
	// If an error is returned, the key and value may be nil.
	Next() (idx int, value Node, err error)

	// Done returns false as long as there's at least one more entry to iterate.
	// When Done returns false, iteration can stop.
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161 162
	// Note when implementing iterators for advanced data layouts (e.g. more than
	// one chunk of backing data, which is loaded incrementally): if your
	// implementation does any I/O during the Done method, and it encounters
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	// an error, it must return 'false', so that the following Next call
165 166
	// has an opportunity to return the error.
	Done() bool
167 168 169 170 171

// REVIEW: immediate-mode AsBytes() method (as opposed to e.g. returning
// an io.Reader instance) might be problematic, esp. if we introduce
// AdvancedLayouts which support large bytes natively.
172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181
// Probable solution is having both immediate and iterator return methods.
// Returning a reader for bytes when you know you want a slice already
// is going to be high friction without purpose in many common uses.
// Unclear what SetByteStream() would look like for advanced layouts.
// One could try to encapsulate the chunking entirely within the advlay
// node impl... but would it be graceful?  Not sure.  Maybe.  Hopefully!
// Yes?  The advlay impl would still tend to use SetBytes for the raw
// data model layer nodes its composing, so overall, it shakes out nicely.