• Eric Myhre's avatar
    Clarify role of Node.NodeBuilder. · 77d79154
    Eric Myhre authored
    Prompted in part by
    https://github.com/ipld/go-ipld-prime/pull/21#issuecomment-518115245 .
    Turns out some of the stuff our earliest Node implementations do are
    actually pretty unusual.  Many other features have more strictures.
    Therefore, it's important to specify the behavior such that the
    features that have to operate within more restrictions can still
    comply, and it's clear that anything else shouldn't be expected!
    (Perhaps we should just... make the ipldfree.Node implementations not
    do the flexible things they do right now.  That package is starting
    to look in need of some renovation anyway.  We'll see.)
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEric Myhre <hash@exultant.us>
node.go 8 KB