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package codectools

import (

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// TokenWalk walks an ld Node and repeatedly calls the visitFn,
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
// calling it once for every "token" yielded by the walk.
// Every map and list is yielded as a token at their beginning,
// and another token when they're finished;
// every scalar value (strings, bools, bytes, ints, etc) is yielded as a single token.
// The token pointer given to the visitFn will be identical on every call,
// but the data it contains will vary.
// The token may contain invalid data that is leftover from previous calls
// in some of its union fields; correct behavior requires looking at the
// token's Kind field before handling any of its other fields.
// If any error is returned by the visitFn, it will cause the walk to halt,
// and TokenWalk will return that error.
// However, if the error is the value TokenWalkSkip, and it's been returned
// when visitFn was called with a MapOpen or ListOpen token, the walk will
// skip forward over that entire map or list, and continue (with the
// next token being the close token that complements the open token).
// Returning a TokenWalkSkip when the token was any of the scalar kinds
// (e.g. anything other than a MapOpen or a ListOpen) has no effect.
// TokenAssembler is the rough dual of TokenWalk.
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func TokenWalk(n ld.Node, visitFn func(tk *Token) error) error {
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
	// TokenWalk would be trivial to implement over NodeTokenizer,
	//  but we do a distinct implementation here because NodeTokenizer's resumable implementation means it needs a user-space stack,
	//  and to reuse that would require allocations which this method (since it's not resumable in the same way) can easily avoid (or at least, keep on the stack).

	var tk Token // For capture, once.
	return tokenWalk(&tk, n, visitFn)

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func tokenWalk(tk *Token, n ld.Node, visitFn func(*Token) error) error {
	switch n.Kind() {
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	case ld.Kind_Map:
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
		tk.Kind = TokenKind_MapOpen
		tk.Length = n.Length()
		tk.Node = n
		if err := visitFn(tk); err != nil {
			return err
		mitr := n.MapIterator()
		for !mitr.Done() {
			k, v, err := mitr.Next()
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if err := tokenWalk(tk, k, visitFn); err != nil {
				return err
			if err := tokenWalk(tk, v, visitFn); err != nil {
				return err
		tk.Kind = TokenKind_MapClose
		tk.Node = n
		return visitFn(tk)
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	case ld.Kind_List:
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
		tk.Kind = TokenKind_ListOpen
		tk.Length = n.Length()
		tk.Node = n
		if err := visitFn(tk); err != nil {
			return err
		litr := n.ListIterator()
		for !litr.Done() {
			_, v, err := litr.Next()
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if err := tokenWalk(tk, v, visitFn); err != nil {
				return err
		tk.Kind = TokenKind_ListClose
		tk.Node = n
		return visitFn(tk)
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	case ld.Kind_Null:
86 87
		tk.Kind = TokenKind_Null
		return visitFn(tk)
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	case ld.Kind_Bool:
89 90 91
		tk.Kind = TokenKind_Bool
		tk.Bool, _ = n.AsBool()
		return visitFn(tk)
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	case ld.Kind_Int:
93 94
		tk.Kind = TokenKind_Int
		i, _ := n.AsInt()
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		tk.Int = int64(i) // TODO: upgrade all of ld to use high precision int consistently
		return visitFn(tk)
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	case ld.Kind_Float:
98 99 100
		tk.Kind = TokenKind_Float
		tk.Float, _ = n.AsFloat()
		return visitFn(tk)
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	case ld.Kind_String:
102 103 104
		tk.Kind = TokenKind_String
		tk.Str, _ = n.AsString()
		return visitFn(tk)
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	case ld.Kind_Bytes:
106 107 108
		tk.Kind = TokenKind_Bytes
		tk.Bytes, _ = n.AsBytes()
		return visitFn(tk)
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	case ld.Kind_Link:
110 111 112 113
		tk.Kind = TokenKind_Link
		tk.Link, _ = n.AsLink()
		return visitFn(tk)
		panic(fmt.Errorf("unrecognized node kind (%q?)", n.Kind()))
115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122
	return nil

var TokenWalkSkip = errors.New("token walk: skip")

// --- the stepwise token producer system (more complicated; has a userland stack) is below -->

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// A TokenReader can be produced from any ld.Node using NodeTokenizer.
124 125 126 127 128 129
// TokenReader are also commonly implemented by codec packages,
// wherein they're created over a serial data stream and tokenize that stream when pumped.
// TokenReader implementations are encouraged to yield the same token pointer repeatedly,
// just varying the contents of the value, in order to avoid unnecessary allocations.
130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138
// A 'budget' parameter must be provided to a TokenReader as a pointer to an integer.
// The TokenReader should limit how much memory it uses according to the budget remaining.
// (The budget is considered to be roughly in units of bytes, but can be treated as an approximation.)
// The budget should primarily be managed by the caller of the TokenReader
// (e.g., after the TokenReader returns a 20 byte string, the caller should decrement the budget by 20),
// but a TokenReader may also do its own decrements to the budget if some operations are particularly costly and the TokenReader wants this to be accounted for.
// The budget may be ignored if the TokenReader just yielding access to already in-memory information;
// the main intent of the budget is to avoid resource exhausting when bringing new data into program memory.
type TokenReader func(budget *int64) (next *Token, err error)
140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147

type NodeTokenizer struct {
	// This structure is designed to be embeddable.  Use Initialize when doing so.

	tk  Token // We embed this to avoid allocations; we'll be repeatedly yielding a pointer to this piece of memory.
	stk nodeTokenizerStack

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func (nt *NodeTokenizer) Initialize(n ld.Node) {
149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157
	if nt.stk == nil {
		nt.stk = make(nodeTokenizerStack, 0, 10)
	} else {
		nt.stk = nt.stk[0:0]

type nodeTokenizerStackRow struct {
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158 159 160 161 162
	state uint8           // 0: start this node; 1: continue list; 2: continue map with key; 3: continue map with value.
	n     ld.Node         // Always present.
	litr  ld.ListIterator // At most one of these is present.
	mitr  ld.MapIterator  // At most one of these is present.
	mval  ld.Node         // The value to resume at when in state 3.
163 164 165 166 167 168 169

type nodeTokenizerStack []nodeTokenizerStackRow

func (stk nodeTokenizerStack) Tip() *nodeTokenizerStackRow {
	return &stk[len(stk)-1]
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func (stk *nodeTokenizerStack) Push(n ld.Node) {
171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195
	*stk = append(*stk, nodeTokenizerStackRow{n: n})
func (stk *nodeTokenizerStack) Pop() {
	if len(*stk) == 0 {
	*stk = (*stk)[0 : len(*stk)-1]

// ReadToken fits the TokenReader functional interface, and so may be used anywhere a TokenReader is required.
func (nt *NodeTokenizer) ReadToken() (next *Token, err error) {
	// How stack depth works:
	// - finding that you're starting to handle map or least leaves it the same;
	// - before recursing to handle a child key or value, push stack;
	// - any time you finish something, whether scalar or recursive, pop stack.
	// This could be written differently: in particular,
	//  scalar leaves could be handled without increasing stack depth by that last increment.
	//   However, doing so would make for more complicated code.
	//    Maybe worth it; PRs welcome; benchmarks first.
	if len(nt.stk) == 0 {
		return nil, io.EOF
	tip := nt.stk.Tip()
	switch tip.state {
	case 0:
		switch tip.n.Kind() {
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		case ld.Kind_Map:
198 199 200 201 202 203 = TokenKind_MapOpen = tip.n.Length() = tip.n
			tip.state = 2
			tip.mitr = tip.n.MapIterator()
			return &, nil
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		case ld.Kind_List:
205 206 207 208 209 210 = TokenKind_ListOpen = tip.n.Length() = tip.n
			tip.state = 1
			tip.litr = tip.n.ListIterator()
			return &, nil
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		case ld.Kind_Null:
212 213 214 = TokenKind_Null
			return &, nil
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		case ld.Kind_Bool:
216 217 218 219 = TokenKind_Bool, _ = tip.n.AsBool()
			return &, nil
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		case ld.Kind_Int:
221 222 = TokenKind_Int
			i, _ := tip.n.AsInt()
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223 = int64(i) // TODO: upgrade all of ld to use high precision int consistently
224 225
			return &, nil
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		case ld.Kind_Float:
227 228 229 230 = TokenKind_Float, _ = tip.n.AsFloat()
			return &, nil
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		case ld.Kind_String:
232 233 234 235 = TokenKind_String, _ = tip.n.AsString()
			return &, nil
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		case ld.Kind_Bytes:
237 238 239 240 = TokenKind_Bytes, _ = tip.n.AsBytes()
			return &, nil
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		case ld.Kind_Link:
242 243 244 245 246 = TokenKind_Link, _ = tip.n.AsLink()
			return &, nil
			panic(fmt.Errorf("unrecognized node kind (%q?)", tip.n.Kind()))
248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284
	case 1:
		if tip.litr.Done() { = TokenKind_ListClose = tip.n
			return &, nil
		_, v, err := tip.litr.Next()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return nt.ReadToken()
	case 2:
		if tip.mitr.Done() { = TokenKind_MapClose = tip.n
			return &, nil
		k, v, err := tip.mitr.Next()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		tip.mval = v
		tip.state = 3
		return nt.ReadToken()
	case 3:
		tip.state = 2
		return nt.ReadToken()