Commit cd841fb1 authored by Eric Myhre's avatar Eric Myhre

Merge branch 'encoding' into traversals

parents dfd17c2e 749cf35c
package encoding
import (
// FUTURE there are very open questions on how to handle detection and special-track'ing for advLayout nodes when we get to that feature.
func Marshal(n ipld.Node, sink shared.TokenSink) error {
var tk tok.Token
switch n.Kind() {
case ipld.ReprKind_Invalid:
return fmt.Errorf("cannot traverse a node that is undefined")
case ipld.ReprKind_Null:
tk.Type = tok.TNull
_, err := sink.Step(&tk)
return err
case ipld.ReprKind_Map:
// Emit start of map.
tk.Type = tok.TMapOpen
tk.Length = n.Length()
if _, err := sink.Step(&tk); err != nil {
return err
// Emit map contents (and recurse).
for itr := n.Keys(); itr.HasNext(); {
k, err := itr.Next()
if err != nil {
return err
tk.Type = tok.TString
tk.Str = k
if _, err := sink.Step(&tk); err != nil {
return err
v, err := n.TraverseField(k)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := Marshal(v, sink); err != nil {
return err
// Emit map close.
tk.Type = tok.TMapClose
_, err := sink.Step(&tk)
return err
case ipld.ReprKind_List:
// Emit start of list.
tk.Type = tok.TArrOpen
l := n.Length()
tk.Length = l
if _, err := sink.Step(&tk); err != nil {
return err
// Emit list contents (and recurse).
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
v, err := n.TraverseIndex(i)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := Marshal(v, sink); err != nil {
return err
// Emit list close.
tk.Type = tok.TArrClose
_, err := sink.Step(&tk)
return err
case ipld.ReprKind_Bool:
v, err := n.AsBool()
if err != nil {
return err
tk.Type = tok.TBool
tk.Bool = v
_, err = sink.Step(&tk)
return err
case ipld.ReprKind_Int:
v, err := n.AsInt()
if err != nil {
return err
tk.Type = tok.TInt
tk.Int = int64(v)
_, err = sink.Step(&tk)
return err
case ipld.ReprKind_Float:
v, err := n.AsFloat()
if err != nil {
return err
tk.Type = tok.TFloat64
tk.Float64 = v
_, err = sink.Step(&tk)
return err
case ipld.ReprKind_String:
v, err := n.AsString()
if err != nil {
return err
tk.Type = tok.TString
tk.Str = v
_, err = sink.Step(&tk)
return err
case ipld.ReprKind_Bytes:
v, err := n.AsBytes()
if err != nil {
return err
tk.Type = tok.TBytes
tk.Bytes = v
_, err = sink.Step(&tk)
return err
case ipld.ReprKind_Link:
panic("todo link emission")
package encoding
import (
// wishlist: if we could reconstruct the ipld.Path of an error while
// *unwinding* from that error... that'd be nice.
// (trying to build it proactively would waste tons of allocs on the happy path.)
// we can do this; it just requires well-typed errors and a bunch of work.
// Tests for all this are in the ipld.Node impl tests!
// They're effectively doing double duty: testing the builders, too.
// (Is that sensible? Should it be refactored? Not sure; maybe!)
func Unmarshal(nb ipld.NodeBuilder, tokSrc shared.TokenSource) (ipld.Node, error) {
var tk tok.Token
done, err := tokSrc.Step(&tk)
if done || err != nil {
return nil, err
return unmarshal(nb, tokSrc, &tk)
// starts with the first token already primed. Necessary to get recursion
// to flow right without a peek+unpeek system.
func unmarshal(nb ipld.NodeBuilder, tokSrc shared.TokenSource, tk *tok.Token) (ipld.Node, error) {
switch tk.Type {
case tok.TMapOpen:
mb, err := nb.CreateMap()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for {
done, err := tokSrc.Step(tk)
if done {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected EOF")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch tk.Type {
case tok.TMapClose:
return mb.Build()
case tok.TString:
// continue
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected %s token while expecting map key", tk.Type)
k := tk.Str
// FUTURE: check for typed.NodeBuilder; need to specialize before recursing if so.
v, err := Unmarshal(nb, tokSrc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
kn, err := nb.CreateString(k)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // TODO: I'm no longer sure Insert should take a Node instead of string, but not recursing into reviewing that choice now.
if err := mb.Insert(kn, v); err != nil {
return nil, err
case tok.TMapClose:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mapClose token")
case tok.TArrOpen:
lb, err := nb.CreateList()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for {
done, err := tokSrc.Step(tk)
if done {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected EOF")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch tk.Type {
case tok.TArrClose:
return lb.Build()
// FUTURE: check for typed.NodeBuilder; need to specialize before recursing if so.
// N.B. when considering optionals for tuple-represented structs, keep in mind how murky that will get here.
v, err := unmarshal(nb, tokSrc, tk)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
case tok.TArrClose:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected arrClose token")
case tok.TNull:
return nb.CreateNull()
case tok.TString:
return nb.CreateString(tk.Str)
case tok.TBytes:
return nb.CreateBytes(tk.Bytes)
// TODO should also check tags to produce CIDs.
// n.b. with schemas, we can comprehend links without tags;
// but without schemas, tags are the only disambiguator.
case tok.TBool:
return nb.CreateBool(tk.Bool)
case tok.TInt:
return nb.CreateInt(int(tk.Int)) // FIXME overflow check
case tok.TUint:
return nb.CreateInt(int(tk.Uint)) // FIXME overflow check
case tok.TFloat64:
return nb.CreateFloat(tk.Float64)
......@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ import (
type NodeBuilder interface {
CreateMap() MapBuilder
AmendMap() MapBuilder
CreateList() ListBuilder
AmendList() ListBuilder
CreateMap(MapBuildingClosure) ipld.Node
AmendMap(MapBuildingClosure) ipld.Node
CreateList(ListBuildingClosure) ipld.Node
AmendList(ListBuildingClosure) ipld.Node
CreateNull() ipld.Node
CreateBool(bool) ipld.Node
CreateInt(int) ipld.Node
......@@ -20,39 +20,110 @@ type NodeBuilder interface {
type MapBuilder interface {
InsertAll(map[ipld.Node]ipld.Node) MapBuilder
Insert(k, v ipld.Node) MapBuilder
Delete(k ipld.Node) MapBuilder
Build() ipld.Node
Insert(k, v ipld.Node)
Delete(k ipld.Node)
type ListBuilder interface {
AppendAll([]ipld.Node) ListBuilder
Append(v ipld.Node) ListBuilder
Set(idx int, v ipld.Node) ListBuilder
Build() ipld.Node
Append(v ipld.Node)
Set(idx int, v ipld.Node)
// MapBuildingClosure is the signiture of a function which builds a Node of kind map.
// The MapBuilder parameter is used to accumulate the new Node for the
// duration of the function; and when the function returns, that builder
// will be invoked. (In other words, there's no need to call `Build` within
// the closure itself -- and correspondingly, note the lack of return value.)
// Additional NodeBuilder handles are provided for building keys and values.
// These are used when handling typed Node implementations, since in that
// case they may contain behavior related to the type contracts.
// (For untyped nodes, this is degenerate: these builders are not
// distinct from the parent builder driving this closure.)
// REVIEW : whether 'knb' is needed. Not sure, and there are other pending
// discussions on this. (It's mostly a concern about having a place to do
// validation on construction; but it's possible we can solve this without
// additional Nodes and Builders by making that validation the responsibility
// of the inside of the mb.Insert method; but will this compose well, and
// will it convey the appropriate times to do the validations correctly?
// Is 'knb' relevant even if that last question is 'no'? If a concern is
// to avoid double-validations, that argues for `mb.Insert(Node, Node)` over
// `mb.Insert(string, Node)`, but if avoiding double-validations, that means
// we already have a Node and don't need 'knb' to get one. ... Design!)
type MapBuildingClosure func(mb MapBuilder, knb NodeBuilder, vnb NodeBuilder)
// ListBuildingClosure is the signiture of a function which builds a Node of kind list.
// The ListBuilder parameter is used to accumulate the new Node for the
// duration of the function; and when the function returns, that builder
// will be invoked. (In other words, there's no need to call `Build` within
// the closure itself -- and correspondingly, note the lack of return value.)
// Additional NodeBuilder handles are provided for building the values.
// These are used when handling typed Node implementations, since in that
// case they may contain behavior related to the type contracts.
// (For untyped nodes, this is degenerate: the 'vnb' builder is not
// distinct from the parent builder driving this closure.)
type ListBuildingClosure func(lb ListBuilder, vnb NodeBuilder)
func WrapNodeBuilder(nb ipld.NodeBuilder) NodeBuilder {
return &nodeBuilder{nb, nil}
return &nodeBuilder{nb}
type nodeBuilder struct {
nb ipld.NodeBuilder
err error
nb ipld.NodeBuilder
func (nb *nodeBuilder) CreateMap() MapBuilder {
return mapBuilder{nb.nb.CreateMap()}
func (nb *nodeBuilder) CreateMap(fn MapBuildingClosure) ipld.Node {
mb, err := nb.nb.CreateMap()
if err != nil {
fn(mapBuilder{mb}, nb, nb) // FUTURE: check for typed.NodeBuilder; need to specialize latter params before calling down if so.
n, err := mb.Build()
if err != nil {
return n
func (nb *nodeBuilder) AmendMap() MapBuilder {
return mapBuilder{nb.nb.AmendMap()}
func (nb *nodeBuilder) AmendMap(fn MapBuildingClosure) ipld.Node {
mb, err := nb.nb.AmendMap()
if err != nil {
fn(mapBuilder{mb}, nb, nb) // FUTURE: check for typed.NodeBuilder; need to specialize latter params before calling down if so.
n, err := mb.Build()
if err != nil {
return n
func (nb *nodeBuilder) CreateList() ListBuilder {
return listBuilder{nb.nb.CreateList()}
func (nb *nodeBuilder) CreateList(fn ListBuildingClosure) ipld.Node {
lb, err := nb.nb.CreateList()
if err != nil {
fn(listBuilder{lb}, nb) // FUTURE: check for typed.NodeBuilder; need to specialize latter params before calling down if so.
n, err := lb.Build()
if err != nil {
return n
func (nb *nodeBuilder) AmendList() ListBuilder {
return listBuilder{nb.nb.AmendList()}
func (nb *nodeBuilder) AmendList(fn ListBuildingClosure) ipld.Node {
lb, err := nb.nb.AmendList()
if err != nil {
fn(listBuilder{lb}, nb) // FUTURE: check for typed.NodeBuilder; need to specialize latter params before calling down if so.
n, err := lb.Build()
if err != nil {
return n
func (nb *nodeBuilder) CreateNull() ipld.Node {
n, err := nb.nb.CreateNull()
......@@ -108,46 +179,23 @@ type mapBuilder struct {
func (mb mapBuilder) InsertAll(vs map[ipld.Node]ipld.Node) MapBuilder {
return mb
func (mb mapBuilder) Insert(k, v ipld.Node) MapBuilder {
func (mb mapBuilder) Insert(k, v ipld.Node) {
mb.MapBuilder.Insert(k, v)
return mb
func (mb mapBuilder) Delete(k ipld.Node) MapBuilder {
func (mb mapBuilder) Delete(k ipld.Node) {
return mb
func (mb mapBuilder) Build() ipld.Node {
n, err := mb.MapBuilder.Build()
if err != nil {
return n
type listBuilder struct {
func (lb listBuilder) AppendAll(vs []ipld.Node) ListBuilder {
func (lb listBuilder) AppendAll(vs []ipld.Node) {
return lb
func (lb listBuilder) Append(v ipld.Node) ListBuilder {
func (lb listBuilder) Append(v ipld.Node) {
return lb
func (lb listBuilder) Set(idx int, v ipld.Node) ListBuilder {
func (lb listBuilder) Set(idx int, v ipld.Node) {
lb.ListBuilder.Set(idx, v)
return lb
func (lb listBuilder) Build() ipld.Node {
n, err := lb.ListBuilder.Build()
if err != nil {
return n
......@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ type nodeBuilder struct {
predecessor *Node // optional; only relevant for "Amend*" methods.
func (nb nodeBuilder) CreateMap() ipld.MapBuilder {
return &mapBuilder{n: &Node{kind: ipld.ReprKind_Map}}
func (nb nodeBuilder) CreateMap() (ipld.MapBuilder, error) {
return &mapBuilder{n: &Node{kind: ipld.ReprKind_Map, _map: make(map[string]ipld.Node)}}, nil
func (nb nodeBuilder) AmendMap() ipld.MapBuilder {
func (nb nodeBuilder) AmendMap() (ipld.MapBuilder, error) {
if nb.predecessor == nil {
return nb.CreateMap()
if nb.predecessor.kind != ipld.ReprKind_List {
return &mapBuilder{err: fmt.Errorf("AmendMap cannot be used when predecessor was not a map")}
return nil, fmt.Errorf("AmendMap cannot be used when predecessor was not a map")
newMap := make(map[string]ipld.Node, len(nb.predecessor._map))
for k, v := range nb.predecessor._map {
......@@ -36,21 +36,21 @@ func (nb nodeBuilder) AmendMap() ipld.MapBuilder {
newArr := make([]string, len(nb.predecessor._mapOrd))
copy(newArr, nb.predecessor._mapOrd)
return &mapBuilder{n: &Node{kind: ipld.ReprKind_Map, _map: newMap, _mapOrd: newArr}}
return &mapBuilder{n: &Node{kind: ipld.ReprKind_Map, _map: newMap, _mapOrd: newArr}}, nil
func (nb nodeBuilder) CreateList() ipld.ListBuilder {
return &listBuilder{n: &Node{kind: ipld.ReprKind_List}}
func (nb nodeBuilder) CreateList() (ipld.ListBuilder, error) {
return &listBuilder{n: &Node{kind: ipld.ReprKind_List}}, nil
func (nb nodeBuilder) AmendList() ipld.ListBuilder {
func (nb nodeBuilder) AmendList() (ipld.ListBuilder, error) {
if nb.predecessor == nil {
return nb.CreateList()
if nb.predecessor.kind != ipld.ReprKind_List {
return &listBuilder{err: fmt.Errorf("AmendList cannot be used when predecessor was not a list")}
return nil, fmt.Errorf("AmendList cannot be used when predecessor was not a list")
newArr := make([]ipld.Node, len(nb.predecessor._arr))
copy(newArr, nb.predecessor._arr)
return &listBuilder{n: &Node{kind: ipld.ReprKind_List, _arr: newArr}}
return &listBuilder{n: &Node{kind: ipld.ReprKind_List, _arr: newArr}}, nil
func (nb nodeBuilder) CreateNull() (ipld.Node, error) {
return &Node{kind: ipld.ReprKind_Null}, nil
......@@ -75,87 +75,57 @@ func (nb nodeBuilder) CreateLink(v cid.Cid) (ipld.Node, error) {
type mapBuilder struct {
n *Node // a wip node; initialized at construction.
err error // gathered until the end (so we can have call chaining).
n *Node // a wip node; initialized at construction.
// whole builder object nil'd after terminal `Build()` call to prevent reuse.
func (mb *mapBuilder) InsertAll(map[ipld.Node]ipld.Node) ipld.MapBuilder {
// TODO needs to be sorted to be sane, i suspect.
// depends on the node implementation, but then, that's why there's a builder per implementation.
// Insert adds a k:v pair to the map.
// As is usual for maps, the key must have kind==ReprKind_String.
// Keys not already present in the map will be appened to the end of the
// iteration order; keys already present retain their original order.
func (mb *mapBuilder) Insert(k, v ipld.Node) ipld.MapBuilder {
if mb.err != nil {
return mb
func (mb *mapBuilder) Insert(k, v ipld.Node) error {
ks, err := k.AsString()
if err != nil {
mb.err = fmt.Errorf("invalid node for map key: %s", err)
return mb
return fmt.Errorf("invalid node for map key: %s", err)
_, exists := mb.n._map[ks]
mb.n._map[ks] = v
if exists {
return mb
return fmt.Errorf("repeated map key: %s", ks)
mb.n._map[ks] = v
mb.n._mapOrd = append(mb.n._mapOrd, ks)
return mb
return nil
func (mb *mapBuilder) Delete(k ipld.Node) ipld.MapBuilder {
func (mb *mapBuilder) Delete(k ipld.Node) error {
panic("NYI") // and see the "review: MapBuilder.Delete" comment in the interface defn file.
func (mb *mapBuilder) Build() (ipld.Node, error) {
if mb.err != nil {
return nil, mb.err
v := mb.n
mb = nil
return v, nil
type listBuilder struct {
n *Node // a wip node; initialized at construction.
err error // gathered until the end (so we can have call chaining).
n *Node // a wip node; initialized at construction.
// whole builder object nil'd after terminal `Build()` call to prevent reuse.
func (lb *listBuilder) AppendAll(vs []ipld.Node) ipld.ListBuilder {
if lb.err != nil {
return lb
func (lb *listBuilder) AppendAll(vs []ipld.Node) {
off := len(lb.n._arr)
new := off + len(vs)
growList(&lb.n._arr, new-1)
copy(lb.n._arr[off:new], vs)
return lb
func (lb *listBuilder) Append(v ipld.Node) ipld.ListBuilder {
if lb.err != nil {
return lb
func (lb *listBuilder) Append(v ipld.Node) {
lb.n._arr = append(lb.n._arr, v)
return lb
func (lb *listBuilder) Set(idx int, v ipld.Node) ipld.ListBuilder {
if lb.err != nil {
return lb
func (lb *listBuilder) Set(idx int, v ipld.Node) {
growList(&lb.n._arr, idx)
lb.n._arr[idx] = v
return lb
func (lb *listBuilder) Build() (ipld.Node, error) {
if lb.err != nil {
return nil, lb.err
v := lb.n
lb = nil
return v, nil
package ipldfree
import (
// wishlist: if we could reconstruct the ipld.Path of an error while
// *unwinding* from that error... that'd be nice.
// (trying to build it proactively would waste tons of allocs on the happy path.)
// we can probably do this; it just requires well-typed errors.
var (
_ ipld.NodeUnmarshaller = Unmarshal
func Unmarshal(tokSrc shared.TokenSource) (ipld.Node, error) {
var tk tok.Token
done, err := tokSrc.Step(&tk)
if done {
return &Node{}, nil // invalid node, but not exactly an error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return unmarshal(tokSrc, &tk)
// starts with the first token already primed. Necessary to get recursion
// to flow right without a peek+unpeek system.
func unmarshal(tokSrc shared.TokenSource, tk *tok.Token) (ipld.Node, error) {
var n Node
switch tk.Type {
case tok.TMapOpen:
for {
done, err := tokSrc.Step(tk)
if done {
return &n, fmt.Errorf("unexpected EOF")
if err != nil {
return &n, err
switch tk.Type {
case tok.TMapClose:
return &n, nil
case tok.TString:
// continue
return &n, fmt.Errorf("unexpected %s token while expecting map key", tk.Type)
k := tk.Str
v, err := Unmarshal(tokSrc)
if err != nil {
return &n, err
if v.Kind() == ipld.ReprKind_Invalid {
return &n, fmt.Errorf("unexpected EOF")
if _, exists := n._map[k]; exists {
return &n, fmt.Errorf("repeated map key %q", tk)
n._mapOrd = append(n._mapOrd, k)
n._map[k] = v
case tok.TMapClose:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected mapClose token")
case tok.TArrOpen:
for {
done, err := tokSrc.Step(tk)
if done {
return &n, fmt.Errorf("unexpected EOF")
if err != nil {
return &n, err
switch tk.Type {
case tok.TArrClose:
return &n, nil
v, err := unmarshal(tokSrc, tk)
if err != nil {
return &n, err
if v.Kind() == ipld.ReprKind_Invalid {
return &n, fmt.Errorf("unexpected EOF")
n._arr = append(n._arr, v)
return &n, nil
case tok.TArrClose:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected arrClose token")
case tok.TNull:
return &n, nil
case tok.TString:
n._str = tk.Str
return &n, nil
case tok.TBytes:
n._bytes = tk.Bytes
return &n, nil
// TODO should also check tags to produce CIDs.
// n.b. with schemas, we can comprehend links without tags;
// but without schemas, tags are the only disambiguator.
case tok.TBool:
n._bool = tk.Bool
return &n, nil
case tok.TInt:
n._int = int(tk.Int) // FIXME overflow check
return &n, nil
case tok.TUint:
n._int = int(tk.Uint) // FIXME overflow check
return &n, nil
case tok.TFloat64:
n._float = tk.Float64
return &n, nil
func (n *Node) PushTokens(sink shared.TokenSink) error {
var tk tok.Token
switch n.kind {
case ipld.ReprKind_Invalid:
return fmt.Errorf("cannot traverse a node that is undefined")
case ipld.ReprKind_Null:
tk.Type = tok.TNull
_, err := sink.Step(&tk)
return err
case ipld.ReprKind_Map:
// Emit start of map.
tk.Type = tok.TMapOpen
tk.Length = len(n._map)
if _, err := sink.Step(&tk); err != nil {
return err
// Emit map contents (and recurse).
for k, v := range n._map { // FIXME map order
tk.Type = tok.TString
tk.Str = k
if _, err := sink.Step(&tk); err != nil {
return err
switch v2 := v.(type) {
case ipld.TokenizableNode:
if err := v2.PushTokens(sink); err != nil {
return err
panic("todo generic node tokenizer fallback")
// Emit map close.
tk.Type = tok.TMapClose
_, err := sink.Step(&tk)
return err
case ipld.ReprKind_List:
// Emit start of list.
tk.Type = tok.TArrOpen
tk.Length = len(n._arr)
if _, err := sink.Step(&tk); err != nil {
return err
// Emit list contents (and recurse).
for _, v := range n._arr {
switch v2 := v.(type) {
case ipld.TokenizableNode:
if err := v2.PushTokens(sink); err != nil {
return err
panic("todo generic node tokenizer fallback")
// Emit list close.
tk.Type = tok.TArrClose
_, err := sink.Step(&tk)
return err
case ipld.ReprKind_Bool:
tk.Type = tok.TBool
tk.Bool = n._bool
_, err := sink.Step(&tk)
return err
case ipld.ReprKind_Int:
tk.Type = tok.TInt
tk.Int = int64(n._int)
_, err := sink.Step(&tk)
return err
case ipld.ReprKind_Float:
tk.Type = tok.TFloat64
tk.Float64 = n._float
_, err := sink.Step(&tk)
return err
case ipld.ReprKind_String:
tk.Type = tok.TString
tk.Str = n._str
_, err := sink.Step(&tk)
return err
case ipld.ReprKind_Bytes:
tk.Type = tok.TBytes
tk.Bytes = n._bytes
_, err := sink.Step(&tk)
return err
case ipld.ReprKind_Link:
panic("todo link emission")
......@@ -20,9 +20,8 @@ func TestMutableNode(t *testing.T) {
func TestTokening(t *testing.T) {
mutNodeFac := func() ipld.MutableNode { return &Node{} }
tests.TestScalarMarshal(t, mutNodeFac)
tests.TestRecursiveMarshal(t, mutNodeFac)
tests.TestScalarUnmarshal(t, Unmarshal)
tests.TestRecursiveUnmarshal(t, Unmarshal)
tests.TestScalarMarshal(t, NodeBuilder())
tests.TestRecursiveMarshal(t, NodeBuilder())
tests.TestScalarUnmarshal(t, NodeBuilder())
tests.TestRecursiveUnmarshal(t, NodeBuilder())
......@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ import (
// `n.GetBuilder().AmendMap().Insert(...)` is called with nodes of unmatching
// type given to the insertion, the builder will error!)
type NodeBuilder interface {
CreateMap() MapBuilder
AmendMap() MapBuilder
CreateList() ListBuilder
AmendList() ListBuilder
CreateMap() (MapBuilder, error)
AmendMap() (MapBuilder, error)
CreateList() (ListBuilder, error)
AmendList() (ListBuilder, error)
CreateNull() (Node, error)
CreateBool(bool) (Node, error)
CreateInt(int) (Node, error)
......@@ -60,17 +60,29 @@ type NodeBuilder interface {
CreateLink(cid.Cid) (Node, error)
// MapBuilder is an interface for creating new Node instances of kind map.
// A MapBuilder is generally obtained by getting a NodeBuilder first,
// and then using CreateMap or AmendMap to begin.
// Methods mutate the builder's internal state; when done, call Build to
// produce a new immutable Node from the internal state.
// (After calling Build, future mutations may be rejected.)
// Insertion methods error if the key already exists.
// You may be interested in the fluent package's fluent.MapBuilder equivalent
// for common usage with less error-handling boilerplate requirements.
type MapBuilder interface {
InsertAll(map[Node]Node) MapBuilder
Insert(k, v Node) MapBuilder
Delete(k Node) MapBuilder
Insert(k, v Node) error
Delete(k Node) error
Build() (Node, error)
type ListBuilder interface {
AppendAll([]Node) ListBuilder
Append(v Node) ListBuilder
Set(idx int, v Node) ListBuilder
Append(v Node)
Set(idx int, v Node)
Build() (Node, error)
package ipld
import (
// future consideration: TokenizableNode.PushTokens is one of the easiest
// features in the whole area to code... but the least useful for composition.
// we might drop it outright at some point.
// TokenizableNode is an optional interface which an ipld.Node may also
// implement to indicate that it has an efficient method for translating
// itself to a serial Token stream.
// Any ipld.Node is tokenizable via generic inspection, so providing
// this interface is optional and purely for performance improvement.
type TokenizableNode interface {
// PushTokens converts this node and its children into a stream of refmt Tokens
// and push them sequentially into the given TokenSink.
// This is useful for serializing, or hashing, or feeding to any other
// TokenSink (for example, converting to other ipld.Node implementations
// which can construct themselves from a token stream).
PushTokens(sink shared.TokenSink) error
type NodeUnmarshaller func(src shared.TokenSource) (Node, error)
package repose
import (
ipld ""
var (
_ MulticodecDecoder = DecoderDagCbor
_ MulticodecEncoder = EncoderDagCbor
func DecoderDagCbor(nb ipld.NodeBuilder, r io.Reader) (ipld.Node, error) {
// Probe for a builtin fast path. Shortcut to that if possible.
// (ipldcbor.NodeBuilder supports this, for example.)
type detectFastPath interface {
DecodeCbor(io.Reader) (ipld.Node, error)
if nb2, ok := nb.(detectFastPath); ok {
return nb2.DecodeCbor(r)
// Okay, generic builder path.
return encoding.Unmarshal(nb, cbor.NewDecoder(r))
func EncoderDagCbor(n ipld.Node, w io.Writer) error {
// Probe for a builtin fast path. Shortcut to that if possible.
// (ipldcbor.Node supports this, for example.)
type detectFastPath interface {
EncodeCbor(io.Writer) error
if n2, ok := n.(detectFastPath); ok {
return n2.EncodeCbor(w)
// Okay, generic inspection path.
return encoding.Marshal(n, cbor.NewEncoder(w))
package repose
import (
ipld ""
var (
_ MulticodecDecoder = DecoderDagJson
_ MulticodecEncoder = EncoderDagJson
func DecoderDagJson(nb ipld.NodeBuilder, r io.Reader) (ipld.Node, error) {
// Shell out directly to generic builder path.
// (There's not really any fastpaths of note for json.)
return encoding.Unmarshal(nb, json.NewDecoder(r))
func EncoderDagJson(n ipld.Node, w io.Writer) error {
// Shell out directly to generic inspection path.
// (There's not really any fastpaths of note for json.)
// Write another function if you need to tune encoding options about whitespace.
return encoding.Marshal(n, json.NewEncoder(w, json.EncodeOptions{
Line: []byte{'\n'},
Indent: []byte{'\t'},
......@@ -50,19 +50,19 @@ func TestBuildingScalars(t *testing.T, nb ipld.NodeBuilder) {
func TestBuildingRecursives(t *testing.T, nb ipld.NodeBuilder) {
t.Run("short list node", func(t *testing.T) {
nb := fluent.WrapNodeBuilder(nb)
n := nb.CreateList().
n := nb.CreateList(func(lb fluent.ListBuilder, vnb fluent.NodeBuilder) {
Wish(t, fluent.WrapNode(n).TraverseIndex(0).AsString(), ShouldEqual, "asdf")
t.Run("nested list node", func(t *testing.T) {
nb := fluent.WrapNodeBuilder(nb)
n := nb.CreateList().
n := nb.CreateList(func(lb fluent.ListBuilder, vnb fluent.NodeBuilder) {
lb.Append(vnb.CreateList(func(lb fluent.ListBuilder, vnb fluent.NodeBuilder) {
nf := fluent.WrapNode(n)
Wish(t, nf.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.ReprKind_List)
Wish(t, nf.TraverseIndex(0).TraverseIndex(0).AsString(), ShouldEqual, "asdf")
......@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ func TestBuildingRecursives(t *testing.T, nb ipld.NodeBuilder) {
t.Run("long list node", func(t *testing.T) {
nb := fluent.WrapNodeBuilder(nb)
n := nb.CreateList().
Set(9, nb.CreateString("quux")).
Set(19, nb.CreateString("quuux")).
n := nb.CreateList(func(lb fluent.ListBuilder, vnb fluent.NodeBuilder) {
lb.Set(9, vnb.CreateString("quux"))
lb.Set(19, vnb.CreateString("quuux"))
nf := fluent.WrapNode(n)
Wish(t, nf.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.ReprKind_List)
Wish(t, nf.Length(), ShouldEqual, 20)
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import (
. ""
// TokenBucket acts as a TokenSink; you can dump data into it and then
......@@ -52,26 +54,26 @@ func (tb TokenBucket) Minimalize() TokenBucket {
return tb
func TestScalarMarshal(t *testing.T, newNode MutableNodeFactory) {
func TestScalarMarshal(t *testing.T, nb ipld.NodeBuilder) {
t.Run("null node", func(t *testing.T) {
n0 := newNode()
n, _ := nb.CreateNull()
var tb TokenBucket
err := encoding.Marshal(n, &tb)
Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil)
Wish(t, tb, ShouldEqual, TokenBucket{
{Type: tok.TNull},
func TestRecursiveMarshal(t *testing.T, newNode MutableNodeFactory) {
func TestRecursiveMarshal(t *testing.T, nb ipld.NodeBuilder) {
t.Run("short list node", func(t *testing.T) {
n0 := newNode()
n00 := newNode()
n0.SetIndex(0, n00)
n := fluent.WrapNodeBuilder(nb).CreateList(func(lb fluent.ListBuilder, vnb fluent.NodeBuilder) {
var tb TokenBucket
err := encoding.Marshal(n, &tb)
Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil)
Wish(t, tb.Minimalize(), ShouldEqual, TokenBucket{
{Type: tok.TArrOpen, Length: 1},
{Type: tok.TString, Str: "asdf"},
......@@ -79,17 +81,15 @@ func TestRecursiveMarshal(t *testing.T, newNode MutableNodeFactory) {
t.Run("nested list node", func(t *testing.T) {
n0 := newNode()
n00 := newNode()
n0.SetIndex(0, n00)
n000 := newNode()
n00.SetIndex(0, n000)
n01 := newNode()
n0.SetIndex(1, n01)
n := fluent.WrapNodeBuilder(nb).CreateList(func(lb fluent.ListBuilder, vnb fluent.NodeBuilder) {
lb.Append(vnb.CreateList(func(lb fluent.ListBuilder, vnb fluent.NodeBuilder) {
var tb TokenBucket
err := encoding.Marshal(n, &tb)
Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil)
Wish(t, tb.Minimalize(), ShouldEqual, TokenBucket{
{Type: tok.TArrOpen, Length: 2},
{Type: tok.TArrOpen, Length: 1},
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
. ""
ipld ""
......@@ -23,12 +24,12 @@ func (tb *TokenSourceBucket) Step(yield *tok.Token) (done bool, err error) {
return > len(tb.tokens), nil
func TestScalarUnmarshal(t *testing.T, unmarshalFn ipld.NodeUnmarshaller) {
func TestScalarUnmarshal(t *testing.T, nb ipld.NodeBuilder) {
t.Run("null node", func(t *testing.T) {
tb := &TokenSourceBucket{tokens: []tok.Token{
{Type: tok.TNull},
n, err := unmarshalFn(tb)
n, err := encoding.Unmarshal(nb, tb)
Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil)
Wish(t, n.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.ReprKind_Null)
Wish(t,, ShouldEqual, 1)
......@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ func TestScalarUnmarshal(t *testing.T, unmarshalFn ipld.NodeUnmarshaller) {
tb := &TokenSourceBucket{tokens: []tok.Token{
{Type: tok.TInt, Int: 1400},
n, err := unmarshalFn(tb)
n, err := encoding.Unmarshal(nb, tb)
Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil)
Wish(t, n.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.ReprKind_Int)
Wish(t, fluent.WrapNode(n).AsInt(), ShouldEqual, 1400)
......@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ func TestScalarUnmarshal(t *testing.T, unmarshalFn ipld.NodeUnmarshaller) {
tb := &TokenSourceBucket{tokens: []tok.Token{
{Type: tok.TString, Str: "zooooom"},
n, err := unmarshalFn(tb)
n, err := encoding.Unmarshal(nb, tb)
Wish(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil)
Wish(t, n.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.ReprKind_String)
Wish(t, fluent.WrapNode(n).AsString(), ShouldEqual, "zooooom")
......@@ -55,14 +56,14 @@ func TestScalarUnmarshal(t *testing.T, unmarshalFn ipld.NodeUnmarshaller) {
func TestRecursiveUnmarshal(t *testing.T, unmarshalFn ipld.NodeUnmarshaller) {
func TestRecursiveUnmarshal(t *testing.T, nb ipld.NodeBuilder) {
t.Run("short list node", func(t *testing.T) {
tb := &TokenSourceBucket{tokens: []tok.Token{
{Type: tok.TArrOpen, Length: 1},
{Type: tok.TString, Str: "asdf"},
{Type: tok.TArrClose},
n, err := unmarshalFn(tb)
n, err := encoding.Unmarshal(nb, tb)
Require(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil)
Require(t, n.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.ReprKind_List)
Require(t, n.Length(), ShouldEqual, 1)
......@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ func TestRecursiveUnmarshal(t *testing.T, unmarshalFn ipld.NodeUnmarshaller) {
{Type: tok.TString, Str: "quux"},
{Type: tok.TArrClose},
n, err := unmarshalFn(tb)
n, err := encoding.Unmarshal(nb, tb)
Require(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil)
Require(t, n.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.ReprKind_List)
Wish(t, n.Length(), ShouldEqual, 2)
......@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ func TestRecursiveUnmarshal(t *testing.T, unmarshalFn ipld.NodeUnmarshaller) {
{Type: tok.TString, Str: "zomzom"},
{Type: tok.TMapClose},
n, err := unmarshalFn(tb)
n, err := encoding.Unmarshal(nb, tb)
Require(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil)
Require(t, n.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.ReprKind_Map)
Require(t, n.Length(), ShouldEqual, 1)
......@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ func TestRecursiveUnmarshal(t *testing.T, unmarshalFn ipld.NodeUnmarshaller) {
{Type: tok.TInt, Int: 9},
{Type: tok.TMapClose},
n, err := unmarshalFn(tb)
n, err := encoding.Unmarshal(nb, tb)
Require(t, err, ShouldEqual, nil)
Require(t, n.Kind(), ShouldEqual, ipld.ReprKind_Map)
Require(t, n.Length(), ShouldEqual, 2)
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