Unverified Commit 0094708c authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen Committed by GitHub

Refactor Gossipsub Parameters To Make Them More Configurable (#421)

Co-authored-by: default avatarnisdas <nishdas93@gmail.com>
parent cbb7bfc1
......@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ type gossipTracer struct {
msgID MsgIdFunction
followUpTime time.Duration
// promises for messages by message ID; for each message tracked, we track the promise
// expiration time for each peer.
promises map[string]map[peer.ID]time.Time
......@@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ func (gt *gossipTracer) Start(gs *GossipSubRouter) {
gt.msgID = gs.p.msgID
gt.followUpTime = gs.params.IWantFollowupTime
// track a promise to deliver a message from a list of msgIDs we are requesting
......@@ -61,7 +64,7 @@ func (gt *gossipTracer) AddPromise(p peer.ID, msgIDs []string) {
_, ok = promises[p]
if !ok {
promises[p] = time.Now().Add(GossipSubIWantFollowupTime)
promises[p] = time.Now().Add(gt.followUpTime)
peerPromises, ok := gt.peerPromises[p]
if !ok {
peerPromises = make(map[string]struct{})
......@@ -11,13 +11,8 @@ import (
func TestBrokenPromises(t *testing.T) {
// tests that unfullfilled promises are tracked correctly
originalGossipSubIWantFollowupTime := GossipSubIWantFollowupTime
GossipSubIWantFollowupTime = 100 * time.Millisecond
defer func() {
GossipSubIWantFollowupTime = originalGossipSubIWantFollowupTime
gt := newGossipTracer()
gt.followUpTime = 100 * time.Millisecond
peerA := peer.ID("A")
peerB := peer.ID("B")
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -967,10 +967,10 @@ func TestGossipsubStarTopology(t *testing.T) {
// configure the center of the star with a very low D
psubs[0].eval <- func() {
gs := psubs[0].rt.(*GossipSubRouter)
gs.D = 0
gs.Dlo = 0
gs.Dhi = 0
gs.Dscore = 0
gs.params.D = 0
gs.params.Dlo = 0
gs.params.Dhi = 0
gs.params.Dscore = 0
// add all peer addresses to the peerstores
......@@ -1051,10 +1051,10 @@ func TestGossipsubStarTopologyWithSignedPeerRecords(t *testing.T) {
// configure the center of the star with a very low D
psubs[0].eval <- func() {
gs := psubs[0].rt.(*GossipSubRouter)
gs.D = 0
gs.Dlo = 0
gs.Dhi = 0
gs.Dscore = 0
gs.params.D = 0
gs.params.Dlo = 0
gs.params.Dhi = 0
gs.params.Dscore = 0
// manually create signed peer records for each host and add them to the
......@@ -1346,6 +1346,45 @@ func TestGossipsubEnoughPeers(t *testing.T) {
func TestGossipsubCustomParams(t *testing.T) {
// in this test we score sinkhole a peer to exercise code paths relative to negative scores
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
params := DefaultGossipSubParams()
wantedFollowTime := 1 * time.Second
params.IWantFollowupTime = wantedFollowTime
customGossipFactor := 0.12
params.GossipFactor = customGossipFactor
wantedMaxPendingConns := 23
params.MaxPendingConnections = wantedMaxPendingConns
hosts := getNetHosts(t, ctx, 1)
psubs := getGossipsubs(ctx, hosts,
if len(psubs) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("incorrect number of pusbub objects received: wanted %d but got %d", 1, len(psubs))
rt, ok := psubs[0].rt.(*GossipSubRouter)
if !ok {
t.Fatal("Did not get gossip sub router from pub sub object")
if rt.params.IWantFollowupTime != wantedFollowTime {
t.Errorf("Wanted %d of param GossipSubIWantFollowupTime but got %d", wantedFollowTime, rt.params.IWantFollowupTime)
if rt.params.GossipFactor != customGossipFactor {
t.Errorf("Wanted %f of param GossipSubGossipFactor but got %f", customGossipFactor, rt.params.GossipFactor)
if rt.params.MaxPendingConnections != wantedMaxPendingConns {
t.Errorf("Wanted %d of param GossipSubMaxPendingConnections but got %d", wantedMaxPendingConns, rt.params.MaxPendingConnections)
func TestGossipsubNegativeScore(t *testing.T) {
// in this test we score sinkhole a peer to exercise code paths relative to negative scores
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
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