Unverified Commit e6dd8fb3 authored by Marten Seemann's avatar Marten Seemann Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #260 from libp2p/remove-incorrect-gating

remove incorrect call to InterceptAddrDial
parents fbd1280e f004a103
......@@ -212,16 +212,6 @@ func (s *Swarm) addConn(tc transport.CapableConn, dir network.Direction) (*Conn,
addr = tc.RemoteMultiaddr()
if s.gater != nil {
if allow := s.gater.InterceptAddrDial(p, addr); !allow {
err := tc.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("failed to close connection with peer %s and addr %s; err: %s", p.Pretty(), addr, err)
return nil, ErrAddrFiltered
// create the Stat object, initializing with the underlying connection Stat if available
var stat network.Stat
if cs, ok := tc.(network.ConnStat); ok {
......@@ -317,6 +317,15 @@ func TestConnectionGating(t *testing.T) {
p2ConnectednessToP1: network.NotConnected,
isP1OutboundErr: true,
"p2 accepts inbound peer dial if outgoing dial is gated": {
p2Gater: func(c *MockConnectionGater) *MockConnectionGater {
c.Dial = func(peer.ID, ma.Multiaddr) bool { return false }
return c
p1ConnectednessToP2: network.Connected,
p2ConnectednessToP1: network.Connected,
isP1OutboundErr: false,
"p2 gates inbound peer dial before securing": {
p2Gater: func(c *MockConnectionGater) *MockConnectionGater {
c.Accept = func(c network.ConnMultiaddrs) bool { return false }
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